ETRO-DSSP (Laboratory for Digital Speech and Audio Processing) is a research cell of the Department of Electronics and Information Processing ETRO in the faculty of Applied Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Our main activities are in the fields of speech technology (speech synthesis, recognition and coding) and audio processing. Training activities include Digital Signal Processing, Advanced Digital Signal Processing, Speech Technology, Audio Processing and Spectrum Estimation.
The University Rehabilitation Centre for Communication Disorders (COM) is part of the Ear-Nose-Throat department of the Antwerp University Hospital. In this multidisciplinary rehabilitation centre speech-language-pathologists, audiologists, physicians, physiotherapists, psychologists, work together for expert diagnosis and treatment of both children and adults with a variety of communication disorders and related disorders like dysphagia. Through the years a substantial expertise in voice disorders, laryngectomy, motor speech disorders, dysphagia, aphasia, speech and language disorders secondary to hearing impairment and learning disorders has been build up. As COM is embedded in a University setting, scientific research is of course part of the activities. Research focuses on voice disorders, cochlear implantation, dysphagia and motor speech disorders.